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${data.index + 1}/${data.total}
Return & Warranty 100% Secure payment with SSL Encryption.If you're not 100% satisfied, let us know and we'll make it right. Shipping Info Worldwide shipping available. Shipping fees and delivery time depends on the country and total weight of items in your order. Tip: Buying 2 products or more at the same time will save you quite a lot on shipping fees. Description
About This Sneaker¡
Production Lightweight construction with breathable mesh-knit fabric provides a comfortable and flawless fit. Lace-up closure for a snug fit. Features a soft linen interior with arch support and removable insole pad. Finished with a high quality EVA out sole for traction and exceptional durability. Each of our boot sneaker is custom-hand-made with a high quality EVA out sole for traction and exceptional durability. Features a semi-glossy leather to make the shoes more breathable and easier to clean. Includes a removable memory foam insole pad for comfort and support.
Production Time:?10-15 business days. This sneaker is made-to-order so the production time will be a little bit longer than usual. Please be patient.
Shipping Time:?3-7 business days.
Size:?Available for both Men and Women. Please check the size chart carefully before placing order as we CAN NOT offer return or refund if you choose a wrong size.
Any modifications must be done within 24 hours after placing order. All orders will be produced after 24 hours so once exceed 24 hours, you CAN NOT cancel/change the order. Please understand for us.
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